sábado, 12 de abril de 2008
Primeras VI: Paatit
Entre las agradables novedades que trajo la Semana Santa en Ortigueira (ver entrada anterior), debo confesar que me emocionó en especial el que, a la hora de la verdad, mi pala groenlandesa, hecha con mis manitas (prácticamente, lo primero que construyo nunca), propulsara estupendamente estupendamente mi kayak. Como ya he confesado, enseguida me sentí a gusto y al final de la excursión estaba encantado.
Desde entonces ha ido al agua (dulce, en esta ocasión) una vez más. Otro día de viento, incluso más fuerte que en el estreno y, en consecuencia, otra oportunidad de apreciar lo que que una pala groenlandesa puede ofrecer en esas condiciones. Y de hacerme totalmente adicto a la palada silenciosa que se puede conseguir con ella y a las preciosas oportunidades de aproximarse a la fauna que ell proporciona. Ah, a los largo de unos 5 km de esa salida y gracias a la amabilidad de Xabier, su constructor, pude emparejar mi pala con un qajaq groenlandés durante el retorno de su viaje inaugural (otra "primera" sobre la que divagar en el futuro próximo). Fantástico.
El palo (madera de samba = obeche = ayous y otros pocos nombres más) ha acabado en 234 cm de largo, 7.8 cm de ancho y un peso de 850 gr. Le tengo un afecto absurdo.
Note: English version here
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8 comentarios:
Congratulations on your blog! don´t be so humble and change your nick to "hopeful", someone so gifted should know you´ll eventually get there, wherever you may be heading. Keep on with it, you got me hooked on. Tnx
Very kind of you!. Glad you enjoyed it and thanks for the good wishes.
listen, i´m just curious if you´re going to keep a perfect match of both blogs, that is, in Spanish and in English, or if you´re planning to add different info in each one of them. In my case i can understand both languages but i´d rather check the English version blog, however, i wouldn´t want to miss any of the interesting articles you provide for us to enjoy.... tnx again.
Info will be the same on both blogs (in fact, I've realized I regard it as just one blog). You won't miss a thing by just checking the English version. Actually, that's the one I write (and publish) first.
Thanks again for the interest and the encouraging comments!
hi again, i´m very interested on reading about eskimo´s life, and specially women´s roles on such harsh conditions (being a woman myself) and since you seem to have access to a lot of different sources of info, i was wondering if you´ll be so kind as to add some other links to your blog for us all to enjoy. tnx a lot!
Well, I'm no real expert, but possibly you could start by taking a look at these fine sites:
There's plenty to explore in them and I hope they will do for a starter.
hei there! guess you´ve been busy lately... so have i, thanks to you! the sites you provided the links for have proven to be indeed an endless source of info and some of the data i´ve read is quite astonishing, even more than i could have guessed. The eskimo´s custom of sharing and team work has amazed me (their games too!); i´ve found some of the almost lost spirit of partnership and sharing among you bloggers and seakayakers breed. Funny, isn´t it? see you around.
Glad to know those links were useful!
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